(技术咨询:13391988889 微信) 尊敬的新老客户朋友您好! 我们本着“以客户为上帝、以信用为生命”的宗旨,诚信销售,对仪器性能实事求是绝不夸大其词。 目前国内一些不法小公司及不良商家不讲诚信,做一些虚假广告蒙骗客户。为了增加销量而过分夸大产品性能及深度,在客户群体中造成了极为恶劣的影响,很大程度上混搅了客户的选择。 我们现郑重承诺,无论是电话咨询或来实地购买,保证所说的探测深度及性能都是真实数据,根据您的需求帮您选择一款适合您的好仪器。我们绝不夸大效果,让您买的放心,用的安心。 现请拨打我们的销售电话(13391988889)还可尊享以下服务: 15天内仪器出现质量问题免费换新 24小时全程技术支持 365天免费保修,终生维修 专业技术人员一对一指导,保证包教包会 免费为您所探的宝物进行初步估价及回收、代售业务 免费为您传授探测器使用技巧和更多的操作经验。 另外,我们还拥有100亩测试场地,部分机型可实地测试、实地操作,让您满意后再放心购买。多年来,我们的客户有无数成功的案例。他们使用我们的产品找到了各种各样埋藏的宝藏。经营真实有效、优质的金属探测器是我们一直以来的宗旨。选择我们,将是您成功的开始。

您寻找金子以及硬币 时的第六感

GOLDEN SENSE |  | 利用为金块、硬币和其它小型金属专门开发的Golden Sense,您将轻易地探测其它探测器达不到的深处目标。Golden Sense不仅能发现其它探测器可探测到的浅处金块、硬币和其它金属,但其也不会漏过令人难以想象深处的小型金属,然而其它探测器却达不到。 特别是在富含金块、硬币和深处金属的地区,已经探测多年的地表,大部分浅层和小型金属都已经被挖光。搜索者在该地区需要达到金块、硬币和其它金属深埋的深度。GOLDENSENSE利用其难以想象的深度探测给了大家这个机会,这是源于GOLDENSENSE的电子设计、软件和特殊的探测线圈。因而,GOLDENSENSE成为寻找金子、硬币和寻宝者的理想选择。 金属辨别能力 |
Golden Sense有超强的金属辨别力。其可以通过不同的声调和不同颜色的光(LEDs)告知用户金属的类型。在Golden Sense的简单和可靠的辨别力的帮助下,您可以看到探测到的金属类型,而无需遵循复杂的数字或数据。
市场上大量的探测器对较深的探测产生了一种常见的所谓的“门槛”背景声音。用户必须跟着声音的音调变化确认目标。为了听该声音经常干扰用户,以及使得金属探测更困难。 Golden Sense利用其突破性无“门槛”技术,只有探测到金属时才发出警告音,同时探测深度比其它探测装置更深。因而,给予您一个安静、舒适和更深的探测体验。
Golden Sense可以方便地用于所有类型地面。您将能在数秒内调整对地平衡和完成敏感度设定,你将不必像其它装置一样进行复杂的设定,而会快速找到您的目标,因而您会发现Golden Sense与众不同。 系统盒可以悬挂在脖子上或夹在腰带上,减轻伸缩轴的重量,以及随时方便的接触到设置旋钮。 |
你可以利用为Golden Sense专门设计的电池进行超过40小时的探测。让您有机会体验无打扰探测,以及在户外电池充电方式受限时使用的巨大优势。 您可以通过按下电池查看按钮查看电池电量,在您喜欢的任何时候给电池充电。 |
技术规格: 工作原理—引入平衡 工作频率—17.5 KHz 探测模式—3种(所有金属/辨别力/铁除外) 金属辨别力—LED和声音警告 声音辨别—2音调 视觉辨别力—2LED(铁的&金/非铁的) 敏感度设定—手册 对地平衡—手册 探测线圈—34*41厘米(13”*16”)防水双D 电池—可充电锂电聚合物 耳机输出—1/4”单音 长度—95-130厘米(37”-51”)可延长的 重量—1.7公斤(3.71磅)包括探测线圈 质保—1年 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网0
GOLDEN SENSE |  | With the Golden Sense, specifically developed for gold nuggets, coins and other small metals, you will easily detect targets at depths that other detectors cannot reach. Golden Sense not only finds shallow gold nuggets, coins and other metals detectable by other detectors, but it also does not miss smaller metals at incredible depths that other detectors cannot reach.
Especially in areas that are rich in gold nuggets, coins and deep metals, the surface of the ground has been searched for years and most of the shallow and smaller metals have been dug out. Searchers in such areas need to reach the gold nuggets, coins and other metals buried deeper underground. Golden Sense is now offering this opportunity with its detection at incredible depths provided by its electronic design, software and special search coil. Consequently, it is becoming the ideal choice for gold, coin and treasure hunters.
Golden Sense has superior metal discrimination. It informs the user about the metal type by using different audio tones and lights (LEDs) in different colors. With the help of Golden Sense's simple and reliable discrimination, you will be able to see the type of metal detected without having to follow complex numbers or data.
A lot of detectors in the market produce a constant background tone called 'threshold' for deeper detection. The user must follow the pitch changes in this tone to identify a target. Listening to this tone constantly disturbs the user as well as making metal detection harder. Golden Sense with its groundbreaking technology has no threshold and it gives out a warning tone only when it detects metal while offering more depth than other devices. Therefore, it allows for a silent, comfortable and deeper searching experience. EASY and COMFORTABLE USE
Golden Sense can be easily used on all types of grounds. You will adjust the ground balance and sensitivity settings within seconds and you will reach your target without the need for complex settings used in other devices thus discovering the Golden Sense difference.
The system box that can be used either hanging around the neck or clipped on a belt takes weight off the shaft as well as providing convenient access to setting knobs at all times.

You can search for over 40 hours with the battery specifically designed for Golden Sense. It offers you the opportunity for an uninterrupted search as well as the great advantage for outdoor use where the means of charging the battery is limited.
You can check the battery level by pressing the battery check button and recharge the battery anytime you like.